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Monday, February 10, 2025

ZOOM Genealogy Club - Saturday, Feb. 22, 2025


Date:    Saturday, February 21, 2025

Time:    1:30 pm (Eastern Time)

Topic:    "Paying It Forward"

We will welcome Michael Cassara to talk about rescuing those abandoned family photos and documents you sometimes come across in antique shops and resale stores.  Don't they make you sad?  Michael will talk about how folks are reuniting families with their treasures, something that has become somewhat easier in this digital age.

The Zoom presentation will take place at 1:30 pm (ET).  Please register by 4:00 PM Friday, February 21.  The invite will be sent out on that Friday.

Godfrey Premium members can register for free at the following email: zoomregistration@godfrey.org

If you are not a Godfrey Premium member and want to attend the presentation, you can pay $10 via PayPal (https://www.paypal.com/us/home) with the payment sent to Godfrey Memorial Library.  Then register using the above email.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

ZOOM Genealogy Club - Saturday, January 25, 2025


Time:    1:30 - 2:30 pm Eastern Time

Diane Boumenot joined us way back in May of 2021 to talk about vital records. It's way past time to have her join us again.

In the last five years, more records of importance to genealogists researching Rhode Island ancestors have been coming online. But these are in multiple places, and access and navigation may not be clear. Let’s explore the wealth of great Rhode Island records now available right from home.

The Zoom presentation will take place at 1:30 pm (ET).  Please register by 4:00 PM Friday, January 24.  The invite will be sent out on that Friday.

Godfrey Premium members can register for free at the following email: zoomregistration@godfrey.org

If you are not a Godfrey Premium member and want to attend the presentation, you can pay $10 via PayPal (https://www.paypal.com/us/home) with the payment sent to Godfrey Memorial Library.  Then register using the above email.

Monday, November 11, 2024

ZOOM Genealogy Club - November 23, 2024


Topic:    "We're Not Just Connecticut"

Time:    1:30 pm (ET) 

Godfrey Library Director Carol Ansel will share some of the interesting and helpful resources on the Scholar (online) and at the library (on-site) about places other than Connecticut.

Premium Godfrey Scholar members can register for free at the following email: zoomregistration@godfrey.org

If you are not a Godfrey Premium member and want to view the presentation, you can pay $10 via PayPal (https://www.paypal.com/us/home), then register using the above email.

Friday, October 18, 2024

ZOOM Genealogy Club - Saturday, October 26, 2024


image source:  Library of Congress

Time:  1:30 p.m.

On Saturday, October 26, Pam Vestal will present Part II of "Deciphering Old Handwriting."

We've received rave reviews on Pam's Part I of Deciphering Difficult Handwriting last month.  Now join us for Part II of her presentation/workshop on deciphering early handwritten documents. 

The Zoom presentation will take place at 1:30 pm (ET).  Please register by 4:00 PM Friday, October 25.  The invite will be sent out on that Friday.

Godfrey Premium members can register for free at the following email: zoomregistration@godfrey.org

If you are not a Godfrey Premium member and want to attend the presentation, you can pay $10 via PayPal (https://www.paypal.com/us/home) with the payment sent to Godfrey Memorial Library.  Then register using the above email.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

ZOOM Genealogy Club - Saturday, September 28, 2024


Image Source:  Library of Congress

HOST:  Godfrey Memorial Library, Middletown, CT

TOPIC:  Deciphering Old Handwriting 

SPEAKER:  Pam Vestal

DATE:  Saturday, September 28, 2024

TIME:  1:30 PM (Eastern Time)

On Saturday, September 28, Pam Vestal will present Part I of Deciphering Old Handwriting.

Pam did a great presentation for the Godfrey's Genealogy Club back in March and April on researching Eastern European ancestors. This month and next month, we welcome her with her two-part presentation/workshop on deciphering early handwritten documents. We hope you will find it to be a huge help!

The Zoom presentation will take place at 1:30 pm (ET).  Please register by 4:00 PM Friday, September 27.  The invite will be sent out on that Friday.

Godfrey Premium members can register for free at the following email: zoomregistration@godfrey.org

If you are not a Godfrey Premium member and want to attend the presentation, you can pay $10 via PayPal (https://www.paypal.com/us/home) with the payment sent to Godfrey Memorial Library.  Then register using the above email.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

ZOOM Genealogy Club - Saturday, July 27, 2024


Image Source:  Lineage Society of America

Host:  Godfrey Memorial Library, Middletown, CT

Topic:  "Lineage Societies: How to Apply"

Presenter:  Al Fiacre, Chair of the Godfrey Board of Directors

Time:  1:30 pm (ET)

Al Fiacre will give a presentation all about lineage societies. Over the years, we have helped many people with their applications to organizations such as the DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution), the SAR (Sons of the American Revolution), the GSMD (General Society of Mayflower Descendants or Mayflower Society), The Society of the Cincinnati, and The Order of the Crown of Charlemagne, to name a few. Sometimes we just give a few hints and words of advice, but in many cases, folks hire us to carry out some more research and to complete the application for them. Al will share advice on how to go about putting together a strong application. Even if you're not planning on applying soon, you'll undoubtedly learn something to help you in your research.

The Zoom presentation will take place at 1:30 pm (ET) on July 27.  Please register by 4:00 PM Friday, July 26.  The invite will be sent out on that Friday.
Godfrey Premium members can register for free at the following email: zoomregistration@godfrey.org
If you are not a Godfrey Premium member and want to attend the presentation, you can pay $10 via PayPal (https://www.paypal.com/us/home) with the payment sent to Godfrey Memorial Library.  Then register using the above email.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

ZOOM Genealogy Club - Saturday, June 22, 2024


Presenter:  Diana Crisman Smith

Time:  1:30 PM ET

Diana Crisman Smith will talk with us about the types of genealogical societies out there, and why you might want to join one or more of them. Diana has been researching her ancestry since age 10, speaking since 1980, and writing, teaching, and researching for clients since the late 1980s. She has written extensively on genealogical topics both for books and magazines, and has won numerous awards.


The Zoom presentation will take place at 1:30 pm (ET) on June 22.  Please register by 4:00 PM Friday, June 21.  The invite will be sent out on that Friday.

Godfrey Premium members can register for free at the following email: zoomregistration@godfrey.org

If you are not a Godfrey Premium member and want to attend the presentation, you can pay $10 via PayPal (https://www.paypal.com/us/home) with the payment sent to Godfrey Memorial Library.  Then register using the above email.